

02-12-08 星期二

Vice class rep.在前面讲话,不想听也算了,
甚至Course rep.还带动一班人大搞反对投票行动,
说什么follow majority,最后变成course rep.主持大局。。。


Course rep.竟然还问我,那你当vice class rep做什么??
问得好!! 如果你觉得某人比我好的话,我不会介意的
Vice class rep只是名字吧了,反正都没有人尊敬我的啦


2 条评论:

匿名 说...

seriously i am disappointed on what have u comment in tat post, the most disappointing thing is that u do not realise wat actually happen tat day and of coz, u denied ur fault,

for ur information, if i dont suggest for the voting thing, how long u plan to argue with our classmates tat day? u ask for comment but u dun accept our comment? then better dun ask in my opinion, if u cannot accept wat others comment about, y ask for?

a class rep/vice class rep's duty is to distribute notes and to inform classmates about the changes in tutorial, ann is doing with the inform, and if u avoid the responsibility to distribute the notes, then can i kindly ask u, wat is ur job then? pls think rationally about tat..

plus, it's ur idea to choose another ppl to distribute the notes, not us.. so do not bangau-ing by blaming other ppl for ur own mistake, it is very unfair for those who are innocent..

tat time our class ends at 7pm and u insists to have the discussion on the spot.. y cant u delay it? we hv time on thursday or friday, y u insists to hv it on tuesday? every1 have their own things to do, especially those who have to travel for hours, u ignore their priority and u only emphasis on ur little problem, do u think it's fair for the rest? it's very unfair especially for the girls.. pls be emphatic for them..

i dare to write my name here bcoz wat i did wasnt wrong. if u keep on being self-centred and ignore other ppl's comment, then good luck in ur path to be an emphatic counsellor.. as ur coursemate i wish u all the best..

匿名 说...

haiz, history i will just let them past, but in case to reply ur comment, i will say that i am annoucing a new system of giving paper, not discussing at all if u can remember accurately.

About the duty of class rep, I think u have the faulty value of a leadership. Leader's main duty are not do ALL the thing for their member like a superman, but plan everything for them to be superman.

Yeah, that is my idea to choose a person to attribute paper. (my second option decision). Since got some people can't accept my system, then this is the only way given.

And about the 7pm discussion, as u said, why not others day?delay? Just for ur information, the issus actually should be annouce a few week ago before that day, it become delay untill that day due to unwillingness to stay everytime (attitude problem). If not compounsary stay, I can say that untill now also won't be annouce yet still.

And last, reflect the last comment back to u too, good luck and wish u all the best.